Les utopiales
Professional area
Here you’ll find all the resources you need to communicate about the Utopiales, International Science Fiction Festival: communication tools, press releases, press packs, etc.
Professional accreditation
Every year, the Utopiales give professionals the opportunity to apply for accreditation. This accreditation gives access to the entire festival. Requests for professional accreditation are closed.
Press accreditation
Every year, the Utopiales gives press professionals the opportunity to apply for press accreditation. This accreditation gives access to the entire festival. Requests for press accreditation are closed.
Stand rental
Applications for stand rental are closed.
Programming and literary prizes
The programme is determined by the literary commission, the President of Utopiales, the Cultural Administrator of the Utopiales and the Board of the Utopiales association. The same applies to the Literary Prizes: the final selection is determined by this same committee, according to eligibility criteria such as publication date, genre, etc., based on the year’s list of publications. There are therefore no conditions of participation or applications to send in, either to be included in the selection of prizes or in the programme.
However, if you would like to send in review copies, you can do so to the following address:
Les Utopiales, Festival International de Science-Fiction
La Cité des Congrès
5 rue de Valmy
BP 24102
44041 Cedex 1